
Welcome to NeuraSpike

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Hello, and welcome to NeuraSpike. My name is David Praise. I’m currently studying Software and Data Engineering (Data Science) at Singidunum University. I’m starting my own personal Data Science Blog because I want to share my insights into different areas of the field.

I’m commencing this blog for two main reasons.

  • The first reason being, I find Machine Learning endlessly fascinating, and I am keen on sharing my experiences with you.
  • Secondly, I want to share my thoughts on Machine Learning applications and how they can help solve real-world problems.

My journey started back in 2017. At that time, I felt overwhelmed with the complexity of the field and how much raw pieces of information circulated the web from blog tutorials, courses, books, and papers publicly available on Machine Learning.

I must confess it isn’t easy to know where to start, which resources, to go to first, and how to know which ones are worth going through.

Then I realized without proper guidance; it is easy to feel confused by the theoretical and mathematical introduction to Machine Learning algorithms and thinking. After figuring it out, I decided to create a more natural path, “NeuraSpike.”

Not to worry, just like you, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands trying to figure out a more accessible and more natural path to take. With NeuraSpike, you will no longer have to feel overwhelmed.

In my upcoming tutorial, I will be giving you an introduction to my perspective of what is Machine Learning. In the tutorials to come, I’ll dive deep into some of the essential theoretical concepts you need to understand and practical examples.

We will also explore different frameworks, such as SkLearnKerasPyTorch, and OpenCV with Python. So sit tight, like my page, subscribe to my mailing list, share it among your networks and friends, and stay tuned for fresh content and ideas coming out soon. Kindly refer to the blog page to be at alert when to expect new technical tutorials.

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Finally, if you have some recommendations on what topics you will want me to cover, kindly send me an email at david[at]neuraspike[dot]com. I will undoubtedly react personally to every one of your suggestions. Don’t forget to subscribe to get weekly Data Science Tips that keep you more informed. It’s a Data Science school in bite-sized chunks!

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